learner driver advice - ask the right questions

What help can I expect from you with my theory test?

The instructor should leave you to study for your theory test in your own time and not waste your valuable lesson time working on theory test preparation. The practice you get on your lessons will aid your understanding of the theory however and your instructor should be more than happy to help you with any particular aspects you are having difficulty with.

In order to get the latest study materials published by the DVSA first check The Stationery Office web site and make your own decision on which books, dvd's or packages that you want.

You can then order them at the TSO web site but I would advise you to check Amazon first as they are often available there at a considerable saving. You could also look for them in a reputable high street book shop (but be careful because I have often seen out of date books for sale in the most reputable of shops - so do check when they were published). It is easy to see the theory test as just another hurdle to overcome but it should not be seen this way. The sooner you are totally comfortable with your knowledge of all the 'rules' of the road you will be free to think more about what you and other road users around you are doing and make the best decisions. This life saving skill will not come easy if you are constantly trying to remember the basic rules and advice from the Highway Code and theory question and answer books.

So choose your study aids well and make good use of them!

how best to make use of this information . . .
prepare well before making your calls . . .
and find the right instructor for you . . .
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Lois Pallister